To celebrate Terri's 62nd birthday we drove up to Lake Quinault for the weekend.
It was raining, which seemed apropos for a rain forest. Terri immediately bought a rain coat and headed off to see the "world's largest" spruce tree. There appears to be some dispute about the world record since there are about 5 other trees in the Pacific Northwest that make the same claim. Terri wanted to see if this tree was larger than the one next to our bedroom at the Markham Farm. The one that if it ever fell would kill us in bed and flatten the house. That one.
A sign seen at the Rain Forest Resort Village says:
World’s Largest Spruce Tree
Lake Quinault is the “Valley of the Rain Forest Giants©” and the Big Spruce Tree at the Resort is one of them. The tree is the World’s Largest Spruce with a circumference of 58 feet, 11 inches, diameter of 18 feet, 9 inches and 191 feet tall for a total of 922 AFA points. A very large tree near Seaside, Oregon claims to be the United States largest spruce tree, it has 902 AFA points. The American Forestry Association declared them close enough to be CO-champions. But a little bigger is still bigger, sorry Seaside.